sobota, 16 marca 2013

Lineage 2 Hack

Lineage 2

1203050140lineage-hack tool

-USA should be selected in the white box to the far left.
-Now select the server in the second box (to the right of “HOST”).
-Now select which character u want (1 through 7).
-Enter the account name and password in the two boxes right of those.

-Login, Logout and Restart are the same as in-game.
-Begin Combat/End Combat starts and stops the bot to attack mobs.
-Sit/Stand will make your character sit or stand.
-Basic Actions is like your actions menu in game. (drop down list)
-Social is the emotes that are in game ie. /socialsad (drop down list)
-Enable/Disable toggles on and off your walker settings (bot is on if u see enable, off if u see disable)
-Right under the login options are your health and mp bars, as well as current weight and exp
-Right under those are the hp/mp bars of your target, along with its name and level, if it’s a monster.

-Virtual Map, right under the health bars, is an overview of what is actually happening.
-Monsters will be displayed as Green squares, Npc’s as Yellow squares, Players as Blue squares, Party Members as Dark Blue squares, your target as a Purple square, and your self as a Red square.

-The wide, red square is your current Radius (The area in which you will get mobs).

-The slider will zoom in or out the map, down to a 1:1 scale or up to a 1:36 scale.
-Realmap will display the terrain overview.
-Z-Range will make you see monsters that are within the set Z coordinates that your character is currently at.

(For example, if I set it at 200, and my char is on a Z coordinate of 2000, it will display any mobs that have 1800 to 2200 as Z coordinate.)

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